Tuesday, January 25, 2011

quick glimps

so here are the projects that i been doing, hopefully Thursday or this weekend I can post the description and thoughts and photo edits for all you folk

Monday, January 24, 2011


i been doing the projects but havent had time to edit them and choose and all that jazz. just swamped with to much and a lack of sleep

Friday, January 21, 2011

about that...

sorry I haven't posted in the last few days, but life is been really stressful with the whole new semester and all these other things screwing me over so i been doing the projects but haven't had time to post and edit and blah blah blah... so forgive and forget and chances are this won't be the last but this apology will be, lol!


Day 21 - 1/21/11

Write a ten-word love story

so I thought I  was going to have difficulty with this and and after doing seven of these I chose to go with number two. so to help seperate my comments and the story as well as help set the mood I hope you enjoy this lovely picture of me : )

                                        A look... a smile... a moment... a connection of souls

Day 20 - 1/20/11

Buy or make some clay and then use it like you never have before.

4 cups of flour
1 cup of salt
less then 2 cups of water
red and blue food dye

so the thing that came to mind was not appropriate to post on a blog so i was thinking....and thinking..... and thinking.... and nothing. so then i thought its not what i can do to the clay but what the clay can do for me. so I used the clay as a way for me to bring my mother into my world and this project and just do a little bonding. me and mother rarely get to be at the same place at the same time where we can talk and catch up on stuff. so this was very nice and we both had a blast doing it to. also after i was done with the clay and dye my hands looked like a killed a smurf in cold blood by squeezing it and the head popped off.

Day 19 - 1/19/11

Create something that floats on water

dogie bag

so basically the physical object is really not that creative but the notion behind it is. you remember ever seeing the TV or movies the person is stuck on an island but they magically have a bottle, paper and pen with them and hey write a note stick in a bottle and toss it out to see as an attempt of being rescued. Well, based on that i came up with the idea flush message. being able to flush a note down the toilet and people can get a message. I believe this is the new way communication is going, even eventually making cell phones a thing of the past. Am I brilliant or what!!! lol

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18 - 1/18/11

worth with the things you find in your car

amp energy drink
strabucks coffee cup
fishing line

So lets be real here for a second and review the facts, I am 22 yrs old, I go to college, i drive everywhere. what do you think your going to find in my car!!!....GARBAGE! so like many typical people my age I am going to have coffee cups and energy drinks cause lets face it we don't get much sleep in this time. sleep is for losers!..lol! so any way I figure i create something that could hang off my rear view mirror and so when I made this I was kinda disappointed because it was too big to but w/e!

Day 17 - 1/17/11

Make something inspired by and/or that goes over an eye.
acrylic paint
nerf darts

so I will admit not one of the prettiest but I think it is cool. thus far this has been my favorite project to make because I got to play with FIRE!!!! basically took a lighter and try to melt the two darts together best i could.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 16 - 1/16/11

Make a unique print by cutting up a potatoes or sponge , and use it to stamp on a material of your choice

acrylic paint
Bristol paper

I hate working with stamps, I like to have clean lines with my work and stamping, for me, does not allow for that. So  as I was stamping  I started to cringe at the sight of it. When I was done I decided the best thing to do was to work with it, so i was inspired by mosaics. use the other paint and some layering  of the paint to mimic that that feeling of it. I think I accomplished that pretty well.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 15 - 1/15/11

What can you do with a dollar? use a dollar bill s your medium or inspiration today.

5 dollar bill

So I cheated and used a five dollar bill today. well aparently at thr time my friend only had that and frankly I'm flat broke right now so I used that. also I had a really long and and it was 11:00 pm when I realized I still needed to still do today project so as I am having this in depth convo about everything I am trying to figure out what the hell am I going to do with this! so I cam up with what i did. you  might not say its much but hey! whos the artist! lol

also sorry about the late post it just been crazy over here so I am trying to post as soon as possible.

Friday, January 14, 2011

thoughts on this so far...

I am realizing after two weeks of this that I truly enjoy building things like sculpting and what not rather then doing drawing. I wonder what what route this going to take me with the 30 or so weeks left? also I would like to thank all of you for your support in this so far, it means a lot.

also if any one  is intrested in purchasing any of these prints please follow the below link. 

Buy my art

Day 14 - 1/14/11

make something microscopic

thumb tack

so thankfully I have had to do things on the small side before via 3d models for set design. the smallest I ever did 1/8" scale and that was challenging. so with this i took the laid back approach and the challenge to go even smaller i think i accomplished that today. I really do like this one a lot.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13 - 1/13/11

Use tea Leaves or tea bags or even just liquid tea to create something

corn starch

so yes people i already know what it looks funny and I think its funny that happen, in person it looks more like stone because you can see the grain texture and different colors.


Day 12 - 1/12/11

Camouflage. Create or alter something so that ut disappears into its background.
color pencils

so I love the pattern and the color scheme rminds me of a peacock. also show the camo of negative and postive spaces. the first is positive the second is just the pattern and the third is the negative

Day 11- 1/11/11

work with the other hand. Pick a medium you're comfortable with, then work with your nondominant hand.

so I am impressed with this, I find it very clean since I did with my right hand.

Day 10 - 1/10/11

Use only water as your medium/insperation today.


so I dont know how I feel bout theese and i did this late at night cause I forgot to, lol. I also couldnt decide so I worked with steam and Ice.

Day 9 - 1/9/11

Make something with your breakfast before you eat.

green peppers
cream cheese

so I usually do these projects at night time cause thats the most convient time for me to do them. so when I read this i was like, "Crap! guess im having breakfast for dinner"

update on computer

so since i wanted to use my bedroom tv and not the living room i got the special cable for my ancient tv.  so now that i can use my mac  can start posting pics again!!! but today was long so you all have till tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

computer issues

sorry I have not posted last couple of days but unfortunately the screen to my mac shortly cracked after posting the last post. because of that I have not had a computer to upload and edit the photos to the blog or even my facebook. I swear i am doing all the projects on time and as soon as i can i will upload and fill you in. now day 12 is fast approaching and I need help! that days project  "create or alter something so that it disappears into the background." so please contact me and lets work something out so i can get this project done and of course i will also give credit to you (with a picture of you attached as well if you like)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8 - 1/8/11

im just tired tonight so i will explain everything tomorrow and put the artsy pic up as well

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 7 - 1/7/11

make a stencil and use it in your work

2 pieces of paper
snow in a can

so I can't draw for crap and I was rushing so i was like just cut a circle. then i was like uuuuummmm what now. then i remembered how i had snow in a can so I was like bathroom mirror is perfect cause i get enough light for it. so i know you cant really tell but when i sprayed it was forceful and splattered then drip but there are a couple you can see that are perfectish

Day 6 - 1/6/11

Look in the kitchen and work with the first fruit or vegetable you spot. It could be in the form of juice, jam or even canned.

sun dried tomatoes - the first thing I saw

3- skewers
11- grapes
1- lime
4- black berries
11- sun dried tomatoes

so the dried tomatoes was not the first, actually was an apple but as soon as i started to work with it i realized that it was a bad apple and chucked it. then with the dried tomatoes i wanted to create a flower but that just failed so this guy was what i came up with and i stuck with fruit to keep it challenging. notice how all the fruit are circular shape. you like the baseball cap?

Day 5 - 1/5/11

What do you collect? work with a collection of objects you have in your home.
I collect key chains and post cards because I love to travel.
20 - keychains
16 - postcards

I figured a spiral would be the best cause i believe its the simplest to express traveling.

day 4 - 1/4/11

Take a five minute walk, then make something using whatever materials are available where you ended up. leave it there for someone else to discover.

3- sticks
1 - Netting
bunch of leaves

so the the pics are a before and after.

Again i have to be real and say that i could have done a better job but it was freezing cold outside and it was getting dark which ment that i rushed through this like crazy. if I would have done this while in boyscouts i would have not gotten any badges or rank ups. even all this though i thought it stil looks cool

Day 3 - 1/3/11

Make something out of paper, but don't use scissors or glue or draw on it. What now? (And no, you don't have to know origami to do this.)

2 - Paper

I have to be honest and say that I freaked a little on this one. last time i did anything like this was back in first grade and I failed miserably. all i did was stop thinking and let my hands do the work. it ended looking like a mouth with a tongue sticking out.  i was like this works because its ovals and cylinders which fit into my theme

Day 2 - 1/2/11

What is your favorite animal? Use that as your inspiration today.

1- canvas
3- Cd's
Scotch Tape
3- Black photo album paper
Toilet Paper
Super/crazy glue

inspiration: Zebra

I figured Zebra for the bold and simple pattern and difficult part was the coverting that linear pattern to fit my theme and this is what i came up with.

Day one - 1/1/11

Today make something that fits in the palm of your hand using only the materials in your immediate environment.

1- ping pong ball
1- suction of a dart
1- shot glass
7 - pennies

so I am reading this and i'm like WTF am I going to create. I am in my bedroom and looking around seeing what I can create and i have to make sure it follows my circle theme and thats what i came up with.  it also reminded me  of bobble head with the head being a pin cusion for pennies, lol